18 November 2005

time (zone) traveller

I'm in sunny, abnormally warm California! There's plenty to explain, but this is a Dvorak keyboard. This sentence alone has taken the better part of 20 minutes to type.

In case anyone else isn't familiar with Dvorak, here's how he/she/it lays out the keys:


Dvorak is my new archnemesis.

More on Tuesday, when I know how to type again.


Anonymous said...

That has got to be the most frightening layout for a keyboard I've ever heard about. Wouldn't it be easier just to scatter the keys about the room so you'd have to run around and search for them?

Anonymous said...

Uummm...California? What what?

Erin said...

Why would anyone use a Dvorak keyboard? It sounds like an old Russian keyboard only used for three minutes by Gorbechav who immediately decided that it was crap and must be destroyed. Weird.