04 December 2005

not dead yet!

I will not be attending school this spring.

The question is, "Now what?"

Hopefully Jeremy will get this job...we'll find out sometime this week, I imagine. That'd be a reason to stay in the area. I also have the option of staying at Movie Gallery and becoming assistant manager (Tami has informed me that as soon as we move up a revenue class, she's allowed an assistant manager, and she'd like for it to me be). Then I, too, would have a job with benefits and paid vacations, sick days and so on. I'm not sure climbing the Movie Gallery ladder is what I want to do. Jeremy suggested applying at Orono again, and I'm not sold on it. Though it would be easier to get in. Of course, I'm not ready to find out otherwise. One rejection from a UMaine-system school per year, thanks.

I might apply to CMCC. Chuck my other 64 credits out the window, and start afresh towards an associates degree in early childhood education. It's cheaper. Or maybe I should reconsider school altogether.

It's December. The first half of this month is going to be full. My dad's coming to visit Tuesday (unless it snows, in which case he'll come Monday night and stay over, possibly until Wednesday morning. Or he'll show up on the 9th, before I go to work). We'll be in Portland on Wednesday the 7th to make gifts with Emily, then head to the Videoport Christmas Party that night. From there we'll immediately drive home, as I'll have to work at 7:00 a.m. the next day (it's an inventory shift, which means no customers and MAYBE no uniform. And scanning things with Tami. It's a good time, seriously.) I'll work straight through my birthday and into the following week, to prepare for the stress extravaganza that will be Jay Christmas! Our parents, here. Overnight. For a holiday. There's a lot of cleaning to be done, drugs to be taken, traffic to be jumped into... It might be okay. It'll be one day shorter than originally anticipated (which upsets and depresses my mother, but she'll come around eventually. She has no choice.) But after that, we're done. The last two weeks of December are empty. If Jeremy gets the job, he said we'd have an awesome Christmas.

I am fully ready to be done with 2005. I think it's fair to say that Jeremy and I have almost survived the worst year of our lives. 2005, and 26, have been huge letdowns. Into the trash with them! 2006 will be full of rewarding employment, and meals at restaurants. 27 will be the age for rewarding life choices. Though I'll settle for delivery and a steady paycheck. That's why I'm eee-zaaaay (ah ah ah ahh)...

(I'll wrap up California soon. It's been a full week here at the ranch.)


Bill D. said...

I think you'll enjoy 27. 27, on my own personal calendar, was The Year That Life Got Awesome, and I'd be surprised as hell if the same sort of thing didn't happen for you.

em said...

27 is the year life got awesome for me, too! It was the year I got the fancy job and got with Joe and, oh yeah, it is the year I met Annie!! Before my life was total mayhem!! Yes... 27.....

Anonymous said...

At 27, I moved in with Jhawn, was planning like heck to get married in Vermont, had a good working motor vehicle, visited glamorous Pittsburgh, and was earning as much as I ever had as a mortgage processor III (the bad changes at work didn't happen until age 28). It was a very good age to be.

Erin said...

27 has been great for the past 22 days. I wish you luck in your "27-ness." When is your birthday, December, right?

fannie said...

yup. December 9th.

em said...

happy birthday!!!
get yourself drunk

Anonymous said...

Psst! I'm posting under an alias- don't give me away. So... 27. Just left it, myself. For me, it was a year of transition with lots of family issues. 28 is, I think, my year of distancing myself from my family. Let's see how that works. But I bet it can only get better for both of us. If one year bites, the next is better. Isn't that a rule?