30 May 2006


I spent a good portion of yesterday reading. I stayed up until 4:45 this morning finishing Sammy's Hill, by Kristin Gore. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad either. A bit contrived in parts, but it had some laughs. The love aspect wrapped up abruptly, but I was ready for it to be done. It was compelling enough. The political parts were interesting, because it was impossible not to assume she had drawn from life experience. President Pile sure does remind me of another four-letter president. Senator Gary? A bit paternal-seeming, if you ask me. But it's done, and today I hurt. I had planned to sleep until 11:00 or so, but Trina called at 7:30, waking me from not nearly enough sleep. I ran down the stairs, confusedly thinking that it was work, telling me that I had overslept (because I assumed it was at least 9:00), or that they desperately needed me to fill a shift. Nope! She called back right before 9:00, however, and I asked Jeremy to take a message. She's something else. Nice, but a handful. Four hours of sleep is enough to get through the day.

I did get called in today, technically. For an hour. Tami said I don't need to bother putting on Movie Gallery attire, which is a treat. I'm convinced that my overall job satisfaction would be higher if I got to wear my own clothes to work. My one red polo shirt is very old-looking, and I can never find appropriate pants. My current pair of Wal*Mart "utility pants" (purchased in the women's section - the utilitarian pockets are ripping off, as they were clearly meant to be decorative) are somewhat ugly and WAY too long. My last two pant finds were too short. I'm coming to realize that looking ridiculous from the waist down might be part of my charm.

So my today is coffee (I can smell it a-brewin'), work at 2:00, and read another library book. My current stack is due June 1st. I always let my books sit until it's too late, then try to plow through them, generally without success. I've finished nine books so far this year. That's not as close to fifty as is should be, six months into the year. Oh well! I'm 16 books off my pace, no biggie. It's a miracle I'm reading at all.

Memorial Day weekend was good. Saturday afternoon we went to a barbeque at Jeff and Jube's. Very laid back, very fun. Sunday we drove to Phillips (why not!). I wore shorts outside for the first time in two years. My legs violently rejected sunlight and the elements, but they're adjusting. Monday I had to work until three. It was a great weekend overall.

Out of curiosity, I clocked the distance around the perimeter of the Jay Plaza lot on Sunday. It's almost half a mile! I'm getting over the potential humiliation, and thinking about starting to jog it. If I go early enough, I won't have to contend with Camper Man. I'd also manage to avoid the rest of the people who patronize the plaza. The only thing preventing me from starting yesterday is my desire to jog to music. Now that I've made a plan, I want an iPod Nano. They're cute, and hold just enough songs to keep me from getting bored. Not to mention that I wouldn't jeopardize the integrity of the music tracks with heavy jostling. Which makes me wonder why anyone ever bothered inventing the Discman.

26 May 2006

back! (and fresher than ever)!

OOPS! Sorry, people who care about me and my life. I haven't had the time or energy to write recently, but now I'm making the time; channeling the energy. Within hours of posting my last entry, I looked out the front door to see my street torn up, with several men in hats driving trucks and staring into the ground. I guess there was a water emergency. We had water back by the end of the day. Rest assured, that smell of filth in the air isn't me.

Work has been consuming me, this week in particular. Tami's in Arizona until Sunday, and one of my co-workers has come down with a 72-hour my-boyfriend-is-visiting bug, and hasn't been able to work her shifts. As I've been left in charge, I get to fill the empty store time. So my next paycheck will be sizeable (sizeable for Movie Gallery, that is). Inventory is next week, which means an early day of coffee, doughnuts, and counting. Inventory day is also the first day of the carnival in the Ames parking lot.

Perhaps you weren't able to detect the excitement masked in that last sentence, but THERE'S A CARNIVAL COMING TO THE AMES PARKING LOT! Which, for those of you who haven't visited us in Jay (read: everyone but Michelle), means the carnival is across the street from our apartment. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 8-10. We are going to live at the carnival until it's gone. And, if anyone wants to overdose on fun with us any of those days, you're more than welcome to come up for a day, spend the night if you have to travel. We've got seven bags of bottles in the basement, and every penny we redeem is going to be spent on the carnival. No more, no less.

I had a dream milestone last night. For the first time, I acknowledged a dream while still dreaming. The plot, summed up, was that Elliot Yamin (of American Idol fame) fell in love with me. I apparently found a way to see the show, but it was filmed in what looked like a super-huge version of my high school gymnasium. Anyway, he was trying to hold me, and he wrote me letters, etc. Very nice. Then my sister was wheeled in several levels below us on a stretcher, and I cried (so Elliot comforted me, obviously!). Then Jeremy came in and asked what was going on. We fought, and I told him repeatedly that nothing had happened (because it never does...my brain thwarts it all), and that it was only a dream. How bizarre and self-realizing. Is that the right term? Though I was saying it, I wasn't fully aware of it until I woke up. I'm excessively impressed. Jeremy was, too.

Just realized something...if I had said "I was excessively impresed", I could've made the contraction I's. I's excessively impressed. Ha! Sounds terrible, but technically, there's nothing overtly wrong with it. Not that I plan to use it in conversation.

14 May 2006

desert oasis

I was woken by the phone at 8:00 this morning. I got to it on the fourth ring, only to find a dial tone at the other end. Since I'm down here, I might as well pee and make coffee, I said to myself. One problem: we don't seem to have running water. You can hear a quiet, thinking-about-distributing-water sound, but nothing happens. I'm not sure if that means it's leaking out somewhere else, or what. One thing I KNOW it means? We have to clean up in order to have Arthur come in to check it out.

Water isn't a utility we pay, so it's not blatantly our fault. I don't know if something could get clogged, and effect all the pipes in the house? Or maybe Arthur did something to his pipes that effected ours. At any rate, I can't shower, flush the toilet, wash my hands, or make coffee. NOT how I like to start my day.

07 May 2006

no dream job for fannie

AAA Northern New England's Portland location is looking for a "Production Packager". Know what the job descrpition is? MAKE TRIP TIKS! It was posted on April 25th. I have no resume programs on my computer, or access to a computer with such a program. On top of that, I have never in my life written a cover letter. Not only do I not know how to start it (a problem I've always had, be it with term papers, or even blog entries), I'm not sure how I'd best articulate my qualifications:

1) Repeated Trip Tik user/enthusiast
2) Map Enjoyer

Two questions:
1) Do these things belong in a cover letter?
2) How do I express these statements without sounding like an asshole?

Technically, it doesn't even make sense for me to apply. The job's been posted a week already. They'll probably want to hire soon. Sooner than I'm going to be in the area. Sooner than will allow for us to move and acquire a second vehicle.

Sucky. I would absolutely love this job. How often does AAA hire Trip Tik assemblers? It doesn't seem like a job someone would give up once they had it. Nothing hints at there being an opportunity for me to have this job. Which, sadly, gives me ridiculous levels of false hope.

04 May 2006

med head

It's too easy to fall behind with the computer. I'm two birthday cards off my pace, and minor events that necessitate fragmented half-paragraph summaries are stacking (and quickly being forgotten).

I've been sick with something for over a week. Not anything normal or easily identified. It involves coughing, something sore or swollen in my neck (I'd say throat, but it feels lower than that), and, as of yesterday, a tight, nauseous feeling in my chest. Different symptoms are showcased each day...some days I don't cough until bedtime, others I cough nonstop. Yesterday, Jeremy suggested we pick up medication. We were already at WalMart to pick up some workpants (I've split two pairs of pants under Movie Gallery's employ. Granted, I should've known better than to buy linen pants last time, but my judgement was clouded by the prettiness of the Brunswick Target), so medicine seemed like maybe a good idea. Not knowing what to look for made it tricky. I don't have a cold, or the flu really. It's a grab-bag of symptoms which translate into nothing that makes sense. I opted for Coricidin HPB Maximum Strength Flu, which covered most of my ailments with the least mention of problems I don't currently have. It helped! I took my first dose in the car, washed down with a grape Crush (which is deliciously fruity - never will I deny myself Crush for so long again). By the time we got back to the apartment, I was feeling pretty damn good (I understand why the Coricidin required ID with purchase). I wiped out on the couch about 40 minutes later, woken only to be moved upstairs two hours later. I slept in a horizontal position (progress!), and didn't wake up until morning.

Birthmas was about what I expected. Stressful, but fun. Mom showed up before 8:00 a.m., which pleased me not at all. But we had muffins and coffee, and it was fine. She told me she signed up for Match.com, and we spent the better part of the morning looking at her profile and winking at eligible bachelors. Surprisingly fun! Anne and Bart arrived around 2:30, and the festivities began. Lots of food, chit-chat, presents, movies, etc. Mom took off late Sunday morning, and Jeremy's parents left about an hour after that.

I was in Portland on Tuesday to meet up with my friend Crystal for lunch. It rained, of course. But we had lunch at the Oriental Table, and got frappes at Beal's (CAKE BATTER FRAPPE! It was great, I highly recommend it). Thoroughly drenched, we decided to drive somewhere. Since Crystal had yet to experience the South Portland Target, I happily became her enabler. That was the day that God smiled down from heaven onto my lovely wallet - all five seasons of Gilmore Girls were on sale. $22 a piece. I purchased the two seasons that rounded off my collection (with some guilt and a fair amount of deliberation). That was a good day.

I've been dreaming bizarrely - I no longer remember the specifics of this particular dream, but at one point I was in a bathroom of the 7th Heaven house, dancing awkwardly on the toilet while Verne Troyer peeped through the wall.

I hate to end there, but that's all I've got.