09 February 2006


I unlocked the store again this morning, but this time for a gal who was hired around the same time I was, and is consistently late for work. So I clocked in this time. It turns out, being taken advantage of is easier to handle when one gets paid. I can't wait until everything's back to normal.

Considering all the work problems, I'm left to wonder about nineteen-year-olds. Are they all so...unreliable? Undependable? Where's the work ethic? It makes me wonder if I was the same way at nineteen. Are they all wired that way? At what age does reputation start to mean something? Even at a slave-wage corporation such as Movie Gallery, you have to work hard. Left to their own devices, nothing gets done. This job makes me feel OLD. Seriously. Never before have I stepped back to reflect on "kids today".

I'm sure there are exceptions. This is not a blanket statement, trashing all nineteens. This is aimed primarily at the staggering number of the ones I work with.

My brain chimes in, "Why are you at a job peppered with teenagers?"

I don't know, brain. I don't know.

I'm going to watch movies all afternoon until I have to go back into work. Tomorrow is my only day off this week. That is, unless Tami calls me in again. I hope she doesn't.


Bill D. said...

I work with college students every single day. There are exceptions, sure, but for the most part, your fears are well-founded.

gourdshaped said...
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gourdshaped said...

Sorry - I posted a comment earlier that it turned out was rife with misspellings.

Anyway - I'm going to make a bold statement here and denounce 19 as the new 15 - a very useless age. That one girl at the p/t job - what an unforgivable ho. Why must it take so long for these kids today to turn into something remotely useful? Why, when I was 19, I had already lost two bids for state senate, and was founding my now-failed mailorderjello.com.

Anonymous said...

let it be known - i looked up mailorderjello.com. you know...just in case.

Anonymous said...

we will make money and never have to work with anyone: old or young!